I can assist with 
Digital Marketing Consultancy
Wordpress Development
Performance Marketing

My Journey

2009 - NOW


Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer. Overseeing the overall team operations of 20 talented individuals - across creatives, digital and tech. Managing risk for clients while providing the latest digital marketing consultation which solves their business problems.
2009 - NOW
2019 - NOW

Musang King Group

Technical and Digital Marketing Advisor to the Group CEO of Musang King Channel (Group) - Malaysia's Leading Chinese YouTube Lifestyle Channel.

Oversaw and exponential growth within a year over over 100K new Subscribers - organically.
2019 - NOW
2006 - 2013

ICAEW Malaysia

Part of the pioneer team in ICAEW Malaysia. Assisting with roadshow coordination across Peninsular Malaysia. Organising student networking events, connecting industry leaders with potential hires.
2006 - 2013

My Skillset

Digital Marketing Consultancy
With over a decade of experience in solving business problems across a myriad of industries, I have assisted companies in increasing Sales ROI by up to 40% on a minimum expenditure budget.
WordPress Development
Delving into WordPress since 2009, I have created multiple websites, microsites and landing pages utilising the robust nature of the CMS.

This includes eCommerce platform development, multi-user login and payment gateway integration. Handling high traffic with efficiency and achieving "A" on GTMetrix.

Highly proficient in Elementor Pro and Crocoblock premium plugins.
Performance Marketing
Managed to consistently achieve ROAS of above 30x against ad spending budget. Performance marketing ads are designed to solve existing business problems including - targeting the right personas and sending the right CTA messages.

My Achievements

My Approach

Audit & Analyse

The first step into solving a problem is first understanding the brand's current roadblocks.

Analysing digital assets will reveal current practices and gaps.

Taking Action!

Putting the action plans to work.

A plan without execution stays just a plan. Putting it into practise and monitoring the outcome of its result. Pivot when necessary!

Conceptualise & Strategise

With the results of the audit, key solutions can be conceptualised to tackle 'em.

This may include a website revamp, creation of a content calendar or persona creation for performance marketing.

Let's Connect

Drop me a message below and I will provide you with a free website audit